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发表于 2016-1-2 19:01:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘自《无量香光网文章集锦》1 e) y9 s/ t/ r' W" ]0 r9 z( m

  H  Z3 T6 f* ^1 _: I●[A Collection of Buddhist Stories]Just a Fly in My Tea0 V  j* M& N6 J2 ?
Just a Fly in My Tea( o+ m% \3 b; e' R/ Z
"On this particular afternoon a fly fell into my tea.  This was, of course, a minor occurrence.  After a year in India I considered myself to be unperturbed by insects -- by ants in the sugar bin, spiders in the cupboard, and even scorpions in my shoes in the morning.  Still, as I lifted my cup, I must have registered, by my facial expression, or a small grunt, the presence of the fly.  Choegyal Rinpoche, the eighteen-year-old tulku leaned forward in sympathy and consternation.
/ H$ }: N+ r0 O' B+ i0 M"What is the matter?"
( G! _* v8 ]# |( _  H6 M"Oh, nothing," I said.  "It's nothing -- just a fly in my tea."  I laughed lightly to convey my acceptance and composure.  I did not want him to suppose that mere insects were a problem for me; after all, I was a seaseoned India-wallah, relatively free of Western phobias and attachments to modern sanitation.
1 e5 G9 Q2 ~2 h7 @5 Y9 }+ E. TChoegyal crooned softly, in apparent commiseration with my plight, "Oh, oh, a fly in the tea."( m0 B$ ^5 a8 x- r; E# n4 ]& {
"It's no problem," I reiterated, smiling at him reassuringly.  But he continued to focus great concern on my cup.  Rising from his chair, he leaned over and inserted his finger into my tea.  With great care he lifted out the offending fly -- and then exited from the room.  The conversation at the table resumed.  I was eager to secure Khamtul Rinpoche's agreement on plans to secure the high-altitude wool he desired for the carpet production.$ G/ r5 b5 L. n( \4 W
When Choegyal Rinpoche reentered the cottage he was beaming.  "He is going to be all right," he told me quietly. He explained how he had placed the fly on the leaf of a branch of a bush by the door, where his wings could dry.  And the fly was still alive, because he began fanning his wings, and we cold confidently expect him to take flight soon...
- f+ e: X& J2 M4 tThat is what I remember of that afternoon -- not the agreements we reached or plans we devised, but Choegyal's report that the fly would live.  And I recall, too, the laughter in my heart.  I could not, truth to tell, share Choegyal's dimensions of compassion, but the pleasure in his face revealed how much I was missing by not extending my self-concern to all beings, even to flies.  Yet the very notion that it was possible gave me boundless delight."
3 q; C  G9 a' {9 e/ _-- Joanna Macy( K- @" `: E' F3 ^2 }, a- o

9 e0 n/ ]% T9 M6 U( z, Q3 k0 D4 x$ v4 b) Y9 ]8 {0 }

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-3 15:50:32 | 显示全部楼层
+ l1 X7 Q  n- H4 M( j6 p佛言。善男子。若有善男子善女人。欲求阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。修行声闻缘觉大乘之道。若有众生未得修行。一日一夜一心一意口自说言。我从无始生死以来。所有善根皆已成就。于三宝所若于他所。乃至畜生人非人等。乃至升撮以施一切。兼以善言和解斗诤。三归学戒。一切功德善根。皆由忏悔而得。皆由随喜而得。皆由劝请而得。是诸善根安置一处。摄受同时合集称量。皆以回施一切众生。永已舍施更无夺心。解脱不摄由如诸佛世尊知者见者不可思量。无碍无垢佛智慧故。如是一切功德善根。悉以回施一切众生。不住相心不舍相心。我亦如是。功德善根悉以回施一切众生愿一切众生皆得宝手。破空出宝满众生愿。富乐无尽福德无尽。妙法无尽自在无尽。四辩无尽。为得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提故。为得一切智智故。我今施与一切众生功德善根。从此善根复更获无量一切善根。合集称量悉以回向阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。是善根故悉与众生。共至阿耨多罗三藐三菩提得一切智智。如昔菩萨摩诃萨修行菩提之道。功德善根悉皆回向为一切种智。我亦如是。功德善根悉皆回向阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。是善根故亦与众生共之。同共一时得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。为得一切智智故。犹如未来菩萨摩诃萨功德善根。亦应回向共一切众生得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。我亦如是。所有功德善根亦以回向。如上广说。犹如现在菩萨摩诃萨功德善根。回向阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。与一切众生共得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。我亦如是。所有功德善根亦与众生共之。如上广说。如余诸佛坐于道场菩提树下。不可思议无垢清净。住于无尽法藏陀罗尼首楞严三昧。破魔波旬无量兵众。应见应知应觉应可通达。如是一切一刹那中皆悉照了。于后夜中证甘露道得甘露法。我亦如是。与一切众生同共善根。是善根故俱得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提道。同得一切智智。犹如。无量寿佛 胜光佛 妙光佛。阿閦佛 功德善光佛 师子光明佛。百光明佛 网光明佛 宝相佛。宝炎佛 炎光明佛 炎盛光明佛。安吉上王佛 微妙声佛 妙庄严佛。法幢佛 上胜身佛 遍可爱色佛。光明遍照佛 梵净王佛 上性佛。如是诸如来应供正遍知。过去未来现在皆悉示现应化。得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。转无上法轮。为欲度脱安乐一切众生。广说如上。我亦如是。同共众生得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。转大法轮。1 L! T% Y+ T6 L
( q3 \2 g0 i; M6 F: ~; p. v
网路电视-华藏净宗弘化网  http://edu.hwadzan.com/livetv
7 U# L% b- U9 }南无阿弥陀佛
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; T- e7 q; ~6 b& |3 O2 ]学佛网  http://www.xuefo.net/- u' w8 W3 B) U' v9 r. i4 v
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